Hawai’i TESOL

* Photo by Jelle de Gier on Unsplash


Hawai‘i Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (HITESOL) is a local professional organization for ESL professionals. Our goals are to create a community of ESL professionals and provide them with professional development and networking opportunities, and to increase public and government recognition and support of the ESL field, ESL educators, and English language learners.

Hawai‘i TESOL was one of the first state / local organizations to become an affiliate of TESOL International. Since 1975, we have sought to enrich our profession by bringing together those dedicated to supporting the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.

Upcoming Events

Our 2025 HITESOL Annual Conference will be at BYU-H on Saturday, February 15! Register now for our annual conference.

Become a member!

  • For working professionals on Oahu
  • Subscription period: 1 year
  • No automatically recurring payments
  • For full-time students; retirees; outer island, mainland US, or international residents 
  • No automatically recurring payments