We invite you to participate in the Hawai‘i TESOL Annual Conference to be held at Brigham Young University–Hawai‘i on Saturday, February 18, 2023
Venue: Heber J. Grant Building (HJB)
Theme: Universal Design for Language Learners
Plenary Address: Dr. Caroline (Cary) Torres, Kapi‘olani Community College
This year’s Hawai‘i TESOL theme focuses on the use of Universal Design for language learning. To help us understand UDL principles, we have invited Dr. Caroline Torres from Kapi‘olani Community College, USA, to give our keynote plenary address. Dr. Torres has recently co-authored a book, UDL for Language Learners, which focuses on this theme. In addition, this year’s conference theme lends itself well to a variety of discussions, both theoretical and practical. We welcome proposals addressing any aspect of the UDL theme as it impacts language learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Proposal Submission
As always, Hawai‘i TESOL looks forward to offering a diverse and rewarding program of sessions:
- 20-minute Paper: A presentation of a paper on any practical aspect of language teaching.
- 40-minute Paper: A presentation of a paper on any practical or theoretical aspect of language teaching or research.
- 40-minute Workshop: A hands-on demonstration of any practical aspect of language teaching.
- 40-minute Panel Discussion: A panel to discuss current issues in TESOL or ESOL education
- Poster Session Q & A: a poster presentation of a teaching practice or research finding to informally share with participants at a designated time.
Your proposal must include the following information (listed in the following order):
- Your contact information:
- given/chosen & family name
- department
- institutional affiliation
- Country and State
- e-mail address
- Your co-presenter(s)’ contact information (if applicable).
- Title of the presentation (maximum 10 words).
- Presentation category:
- 20-minute paper
- 40-minute paper
- 40-minute workshop
- 40-minute panel discussion
- poster session
- A summary of the presentation (maximum of 50 words) for the conference program.
- An abstract (maximum of 250 words) with a brief background description of the topic and a synopsis of the presentation that explains its:
- purpose
- benefit to participants
- intended target audience
- level of audience participation (i.e. none, question/answer, or highly interactive)
- methodology
- 40-word biographical note to be used by the session moderator to introduce you.
Proposals with incomplete or missing information will be excluded from consideration.
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: January 6, 2023
- Notification of acceptance will be given by mid January, 2023.
NOTE: We have a limited number of presentation slots for this conference. Preference will be given to qualified submissions received before the deadline.
All proposals must be submitted online. If you have any questions, please email the Conference Co-Chairs, Brent Green (brent.green@byuh.edu ) and Juan Escalante (juan.escalante@byuh.edu ).
Hawai‘i TESOL is a non-profit organization committed to English as a Second Language professionals in the state of Hawai‘i. HITESOL members include state D.O.E teachers, language school teachers, public and private college and university teachers, ESL program administrators and researchers, and TESOL student teachers-in-training.